Brined and Smoked Turkey


Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and Pitts & Spitts is here to help you wow guests with your best turkey yet. With our new Brine Box, you’ll get two brine pouches, 2 brine bags and our signature BBQ Rub. Get yours today, then follow our step-by-step instructions for brining and smoking a turkey.


Dump one brine pouch into a gallon of water, mix, and pour it into one of the large brine bags. Put the turkey in the bag and pour in more water until it’s completely submerged. Seal the bag, and place it in the fridge overnight (12-24 hours). Pour the water out, take the turkey out of the bag, and place the turkey in a pan, in order to cover it in Pitts & Spitts BBQ Rub. Smoke it on your pellet grill at 375° until the breast temperature is 165° and the leg temperature is 175° (3.5 to 5 hours). Let it rest for 30 minutes, carve, and enjoy!


  • 1 turkey 
  • Pitts & Spitts Brine Box (includes two six-ounce brine pouch, two large brine bags, and Pitts & Spitts BBQ Rub)

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